Articles & Blogs

7 Tips on How to Plan Your Career Growth and Development

Welcome to one of the biggest career-changing climates in the history of employment. With the “Great Resignation” and the intensive search for the elusive qualified candidate, change is everywhere.

But knowing opportunities abound doesn’t mean you’ve got your next career change in the bag. Employers are hungry, not desperate. That’s why career growth and development are fundamental to your success.

You need to prove that whether your career change comes from an employment gap (your choice or o

6 Questions to Consider Before Hiring an Executive Coach

Coaching is defined as a supportive and productive process that helps you achieve your most important career goals. Imagine having someone to partner with who is equally vested in helping you succeed in all that you do. But before you go out and hire the next coach that sends their “promises” to your inbox, consider the following six questions:
• Why Should I Hire a Coach? Change is never easy. Clarity, motivation, and accountability are

Offer-Generating Questions to Ask During the Interview

Offer-Generating Questions to Ask During the Interview

Even the most seasoned professionals struggle when asked, “What questions do you have for us?” in an interview.

Asking the interview panel questions that sounds intelligent, but not too self-serving, but still make a good impression are key. Even though it’s your job to “wow” them from the moment you pull in the parking lot until that final thank you note is received, you need to be “wowed” too.

That’s way it’s important to plan in your q

4 Ways to Be a Strengths Super Girl!

If you’re ready to claim your innate superpowers then toss on your cape and soar with your strengths. We all have them. So why not own them? After all, strengths are the first step in propelling you toward career and life success.

Divine, girl! Strengths, in short, are character-based talents that drive your personality and productivity, and each are unique in how you harness and use them toward your successful endeavors. By identifying your strengths, you divine the sources of your energy. And

Is Agism Infecting Your Workplace Culture?

It just might be.

I learned that hard lesson when a colleague said that “I was too old to be working at a tech company.” Hmmm. Insult aside, I was surprised that this kind of attitude still reigns. Especially with the heightened awareness of protected classes and broadening definition of discrimination. But my curiosity got the best of me and sure enough, when you clicked on the company’s website, all the pictures from the recruiting page to the organizational chart and candid company pictures

How to Manage a Team Effectively as a New Manager

Whether you are new as a manager or entering a new role and inheriting a team, you want to strategize your plan for success. Learning how to manage a team effectively as a new manager isn’t about jumping in and hoping you get the same luck as before. This is a new group of people with new expectations and work styles. Therefore, you’ll need to adapt to flourish as a new manager. This isn’t difficult if you’re willing to do a little pre-planning before your first day.

How To Make Mentoring Work For You

Developing a relationship with a mentor, and becoming a mentor, is a must for successful professional development and career happiness. A mentor provides you with an avenue of learning scripted specifically in answer to professional development needs. Not only will your mentor offer positive guidance for your career, but they’ll provide a safe haven for objectifying concerns and challenges. They’re also great resources for career enhancing connections and collaborations, championing of your prog

Communication is Key for Therapy Industry Interview Success

Interview success in the therapy field requires the demonstration of a most important industry skill – communication. Whether your expertise lies in child psychology or behavioral therapy, possessing the natural ability to communicate with clients, team members, and the community, is imperative for both career and interview success. While there are foundational credentials required to excel in this industry, therapists understand that communication is the primary vehicle for establishing trust a

The Gratitude Impact: How a simple “thank you” can change everything.

A simple "Thank You" can go a long way in making someone's day. It can also do a lot for your career and your personal well-being. Taking the time to appreciate one's efforts on your behalf requires no more than a genuine "thanks" but will solidify an authentic and mutually beneficial working relationships. It also has positive impacts on your health and wellness. It changes the way your brain manages stress and even offers an emotional high that can last much longer than a cup of coffee.


10 Things To Do When You're Angry At Yourself (For Your Mistakes)

When you make a mistake, you quickly forget all the wins and praise lauded on you over the years. Make one measly mistake and it’s all you can think about. And, unfortunately, you may carry it with you for a lifetime. This is normal, but not healthy.

Mistakes happen, and the wise know that that’s how you learn. Stumble and fall, and get up again—it’s the cycle of human development from toddlerhood. Still, when you make mistakes, this experiential wisdom can fly out the door. Your first reaction

How To Identify Addictive Behaviors And Get Rid of Them

There are times when you need activities that bring your relaxation and allow for release. Exercise, writing, playing, creating, and reading are all examples of healthy behaviors that provide an escape—but only to a point. Some pursuits can quickly turn costly if the behavior causes harm or is used as a coping or escape mechanism or if it becomes an unhealthy obsession. If you find yourself engaged in costly addictive behaviors, then it’s time to create a positive change.

Here are some tips on

10 Actionable Tips To Make Tough Decisions in Life

You make decisions every day, from what you’ll eat for lunch to the route you’ll drive through on your way to work. But when you consider the phrase “tough decisions,” your mind probably wanders to bigger choices, like accepting a job offer, buying a home, or asking for a raise.

Tough decisions in life can be even grander in scale including those related to health or caring for a loved one. Planning for a safe, healthy, and financially secure future may be your definition of tough decisions. Bu

Rethinking retirement? Strategies for staying in the game and in demand | CareerBuilder

In our new economy, many employees are rethinking retirement due to limited raises, drops in healthcare coverage, and wavering pensions. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the labor force participation rate of workers 55 and up will continue to grow reaching 43 percent by 2018 and 22 percent for those 65 and over.

Additionally, The Sloan Center on Aging and Work at Boston College follows continued trends of older workers staying employed or re-entering the workforce even after retirem

The new trends in interviewing | CareerBuilder

Just like fashion, new trends are always emerging for interviewing platforms. Yet, making a career transition is tough enough without focusing valuable energy on pursuing the latest bells and whistles. Though some may not be your preferred style, there will always be a “new black” that recruiters are ready to try on during an interview. The idea is not to chase the trends but be cognizant, and capable, of successfully navigating the ones that come your way.

Group Interviews

Somewhere along yo

How To Go Above And Beyond At Work For Career Success

Long days, short deadlines, and never-ending workplace demands will take their toll. And with the transition to remote work this past year, no doubt you’re feeling the impact. Still, with all that’s changing in the world of work, your career success depends on whether you go above and beyond or settle with mediocrity.

Let’s start with your “Why?” If you prioritize career success, you need to build career capital. This is what you exchange for the career of your dreams.

For example, if you want
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