Articles & Blogs

When You’re Tired of Being a Victim, Read This

Seven Strategies for Overcoming Victim Mentality

There isn’t a week that goes by when something happens to make me say, “Why me?” If you’re reading this, you get it. It’s a simple expression. But it’s also a victim mentality at its finest.It’s frustrating to face setbacks, but even worse to accept fault for them. Sure, changing your cognitive approach and thus taking responsibility for change seems easy; at least that’s what all the motivational gurus say. But saying and doing are entirely differ...

7 Hacks to Conquer Your New Year’s Resolutions

Expert Wisdom to Help You Set, Stick, and Succeed.

We’ve all been there, setting resolutions and forgetting about them as the months pass.

The good news is we’re not alone. According to Time, an estimated 80% of people make resolutions, and just as many fail to keep them into February.

Why are resolutions so often abandoned?

“I believe the difference between people who succeed and those who don’t come down to follow-through,” says Gail Taylor, Empowerment Advocate and author of Curveballs — Unleashing your potential through Personal Growth and Ins...

10 Reasons to Say “Thanks.”

Why Gratitude Is Important Now More Than Ever

Gratitude should flow naturally, like taking a deep breath. It’s liberating, cleansing, and immensely beneficial. But breathing is necessary for survival, while appreciation is not.

Or is it?

The answer is yes!In essence, gratitude is critical for surviving and thriving. It’s the anecdote to anxiety, stress, guilt, and strife, along with combatting the root of all of it — fear. It’s a practice that helps you start your day on a high note, forge mutuall...

How to Be More Courageous

Seven Bravery-Building Steps

Have you ever wanted to do something but were afraid to try?

You’re not alone.

You’ve heard the opinions on public speaking being the number one fear, but it’s only one activity on a lengthy list of the most cited anxiety-raising activities. From elevators and rollercoasters to meeting new people or being alone, what you may consider scary, your best friend may enjoy. While the triggers and reactions are subjective, one thing all humans have in common is fear. And somet...

Why Should Older Adults Care About Mindfulness?

Four Reasons Mindfulness Matters as You Mature

Time is one thing you may think older adults have plenty of. However, retirees or professionals late in their careers already have a full plate filled with activities.

From leading organizations and mentoring younger professionals to traveling, grandchildren, hobbies, and personal obligations, graceful maturing is no longer the slow-roll, rocking chair lifestyle from days past. So, when fifteen minutes opens, it’s a race to run an errand, return a ca...

Is Agism Infecting Your Workplace Culture?

Are attitudes toward age impacting your workplace environment?

They just might be.

I learned this hard lesson when a colleague said, “I was too old to be working at a tech company.” Hmmm.

Insult aside; I was surprised this attitude still reigns, especially with the heightened awareness of protected classes and broadening definitions of discrimination. But my curiosity got the best of me, and sure enough, after clicking on the company’s website, all the pictures, from the recruiting page to the orga...

Four Ways Pets Teach Children (and Adults) to Be Better Human Beings

Owning a pet is a big responsibility. Like their humans, they require food, water, and necessities of life, not to mention training, attention, and financial and time investments. No matter how much a child insists she will take charge of the pet, ultimately, the care will fall on the adult.But before you pass on a pet, look at all you’ll gain.Pets keep us company, help us feel wanted, and engage us in the community — it’s rare to find a pet owner who hasn’t connected with other kindred spirits....

More Proof Creativity is Good for Your Body, Mind, and Spirit: - Books Uplift

No one outgrows their love of fun—at least, I sure hope not. So, why not embrace it? Time for creative expression vastly improves one’s health. You don’t need to spend your time producing a work of art, rather, a leisurely fifteen minutes or so with Crayola and a coloring page is enough to provide a healthy distraction, shake off stress, lower blood pressure, decompress, and reinvigorate. Creativity also has proven benefits beyond the related stress-reduction. It improves disposition, mental cla...

6 Goodbye Grudge Strategies

We may not remember the kind words said to us last week, but we’ll remember the hurt someone caused us years ago. Humans excel at holding grudges. Our minds are wackily wired to believe if we never forget an offense, we won’t fall victim to it again. But grudge-holding inflicts harm.Free yourself from the weight of hate with the following strategies from experts in the field.Rewire Thinking. Bitterness, grudges, and holding onto past hurts can harm your mental and physical well-being. “Ruminatio...

The “What” and the “Why” of Books Uplift

What is Books Uplift? To be succinct, and a little sassy, it’s exactly what’s written on the website: “A place to share, learn, promote, and celebrate how books uplift us each and every day.”

Perhaps a bit trite but, trust me, this is a serious endeavor; a passion project dedicated to encouraging positive promotion and celebration of everything related to books. And much more.
I’m continuously asked why I started Books Uplift. After all, I’m not profiting from this venture, and it requires plent...

5 Rules for Successfully Navigating Your New Career

When you’re hired for a new job (or new assignment), you’ll want to prove you deserve it. But now you’re the new guy or gal, so familiarizing yourself with the culture and environment, let alone getting work done, can be intimidating for the first couple of days. But don’t walk through that door without a plan if you want to make a positive first impression.Start smart by successfully navigating your new responsibilities, culture, and colleagues with t...

Write That Resume!

A lot goes into crafting a killer resume; therefore, the process shouldn’t be taken lightly. Your resume needs to be well crafted, attention-grabbing, and an outstanding representation of you. Whether you hire someone to help or rely on technology to manufacture one (cringe), you’re ultimately responsible for crafting the best resume possible.If the thought of writing a resume makes you shudder, try these five mental hacks.Celebrate Your Wins. Don’t think of writing your resume as a necessary ev...

4 Ways Writing Improves Your Health

There’s nothing more enjoyable than writing and being around others who love to write. Anyway, that’s my opinion. At conferences, clubs, or workshops with new and seasoned writers, it’s inspiring to surround yourself with others who love the craft. Recently, I connected over coffee with Renwick Brutus, CEO and author of Irresistible Communication. Catching up and sharing about books and the industry lifted my spirits and motivated me to get back home to write.So, how does one become a writer? We...

Five “Killer” Genres Unpacked: The Difference Between a Mystery, Detective, Crime, Thriller, and Suspense Novel

Someone is killed in the book, therefore it’s a thriller. Or is it a mystery? A killer left a string of clues, so it’s a suspense. No, it must be a mystery. Right and wrong. Now you get why this can be so darn confusing!

The “Killer Genres” are one of those tricky, sticky, picky subjects that plagues the writer, industry professional, and reader, often because there is some serious crossover in today’s publishing market. For example:
• I’ve seen the same book shelved in two different genres in

15 Career Milestones To Celebrate (And How To Set New Ones) - LifeHack

When you look at your professional life in terms of career milestones, it can be very exciting and rewarding. By honoring your successes along your professional journey, you build your confidence, pride, and courage and open your eyes to new opportunities.

Career milestones happen every day. They may include completing a project, landing an interview, or getting kudos from the boss. Unfortunately, too often, smaller career milestones are discounted, with professionals focusing only on the big o

A Tale of Three Applicants

Once upon a time there were three applicants up for a procurement position. The first applicant possessed all the competencies required, but lacked personality. She offended two panel members with her apparent lack of team engagement and even provoked one of them into an argument.

The second candidate was short on experience but made up for it in charm. He wooed the panel with his friendly disposition and perfect responses, despite his inability to back up his claims with concrete experienti

How To Go Above And Beyond At Work For Career Success - LifeHack

Long days, short deadlines, and never-ending workplace demands will take their toll. And with the transition to remote work this past year, no doubt you’re feeling the impact. Still, with all that’s changing in the world of work, your career success depends on whether you go above and beyond or settle with mediocrity.

Let’s start with your “Why?” If you prioritize career success, you need to build career capital. This is what you exchange for the career of your dreams.

For example, if you want

7 Tips on How to Plan Your Career Growth and Development

Welcome to one of the biggest career-changing climates in the history of employment. With the “Great Resignation” and the intensive search for the elusive qualified candidate, change is everywhere.

But knowing opportunities abound doesn’t mean you’ve got your next career change in the bag. Employers are hungry, not desperate. That’s why career growth and development are fundamental to your success.

You need to prove that whether your career change comes from an employment gap (your choice or o

6 Questions to Consider Before Hiring an Executive Coach

Coaching is defined as a supportive and productive process that helps you achieve your most important career goals. Imagine having someone to partner with who is equally vested in helping you succeed in all that you do. But before you go out and hire the next coach that sends their “promises” to your inbox, consider the following six questions:
• Why Should I Hire a Coach? Change is never easy. Clarity, motivation, and accountability are

Offer-Generating Questions to Ask During the Interview

Offer-Generating Questions to Ask During the Interview

Even the most seasoned professionals struggle when asked, “What questions do you have for us?” in an interview.

Asking the interview panel questions that sounds intelligent, but not too self-serving, but still make a good impression are key. Even though it’s your job to “wow” them from the moment you pull in the parking lot until that final thank you note is received, you need to be “wowed” too.

That’s way it’s important to plan in your q

4 Ways to Be a Strengths Super Girl!

If you’re ready to claim your innate superpowers then toss on your cape and soar with your strengths. We all have them. So why not own them? After all, strengths are the first step in propelling you toward career and life success.

Divine, girl! Strengths, in short, are character-based talents that drive your personality and productivity, and each are unique in how you harness and use them toward your successful endeavors. By identifying your strengths, you divine the sources of your energy. And

How to Manage a Team Effectively as a New Manager

Whether you are new as a manager or entering a new role and inheriting a team, you want to strategize your plan for success. Learning how to manage a team effectively as a new manager isn’t about jumping in and hoping you get the same luck as before. This is a new group of people with new expectations and work styles. Therefore, you’ll need to adapt to flourish as a new manager. This isn’t difficult if you’re willing to do a little pre-planning before your first day.
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